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Cedarwood pure Premier grande 100% organic essential oil10ml (Luxurious Box and Bag Included)
Cedarwood pure Premier grande 100% organic essential oil10ml (Luxurious Box and Bag Included)
Cedarwood pure Premier grande 100% organic essential oil10ml (Luxurious Box and Bag Included)
Cedarwood pure Premier grande 100% organic essential oil10ml (Luxurious Box and Bag Included)

Cedarwood pure Premier grande 100% organic essential oil10ml (Luxurious Box and Bag Included)

Regular price $11.95 Sale price $15.00
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Our organic Cedar wood essential oil encourages tranquility and can help you relax at the end of the day. Popularly used in the perfume and skincare products, Cedarwood soothes the skin and calms the mind. It’s also a natural bug repellent.



Organic Cedarwood Essential Oil has a long and illustrious history
uses and benefits were well understand by the ancient world. In the land of pyramid builders and ancient dreams, a million tales of royalty and adventurous sages, we are introduced to a special therapeutic fragrance. By Egyptian history we that softly means “aromatic wood,” The Phoenicians used these trees for ships and houses. The Sumerians believed cedar groves were the dwelling places of the gods, and burned cedar in their ceremonies. The cedar is mentioned in both the Bible and the Talmud. Cedar was used to build important buildings in ancient times, including King Solomon was used the tree to build his temple; and native American Indians used Cedar Oil as part of their daily living cedar tree was an important part of ancient culture .

Historical Significance
The cedar was the source of one of mankind's earliest perfumes. The ancient Egyptians used the resinous oil of the cedar for embalming. They also used the tree’s wood for making sarcophagi (coffins), some of which are still in excellent condition after 3,000 years. Noah was supposed to have prepared an offering of cedarwood and myrtle incense to give thanks for surviving the flood. Cedarwood was also burned as incense in Tibetan monasteries, Many today use Organic Cedarwood Essential Oil 


Usage Tips:

  • After a difficult day, diffuse Cedarwood to create a relaxing environment. 
  • During your facial routine, add one to two drops to your facial toner or moisturizer to promote clear, healthy-looking skin.
  • Place a drop on a cotton ball and place in closet to keep moths at bay.
  • Before exercising, massage one to two drops into your chest to maintain vitality throughout your workout.
  • When a child wakes up scared in the night, apply to the bottom of feet to return to a peaceful feeling.

  • What Does Cedarwood Essential Oil Help With?

    The warm, woody, and somewhat balsamic aroma of Cedarwood essential oil is relaxing and calming. Due to its high concentration of the sesquiterpene alcohol cedrol, Cedarwood is one of the most grounding essential oils. You can enjoy Cedarwood’s relaxing qualities by diffusing Cedarwood for a calming aroma that helps you unwind before bed 

  • What Are the Health Benefits of Cedarwood?

    Cedarwood has clarifying properties when used topically. Incorporate it into your facial skin care routine to help keep the skin looking healthy and clear. Use a drop on skin blemishes to improve their appearance. 

    One of the traditional uses for Cedarwood is to repel bugs. Place a drop of Cedarwood on a cotton ball and keep it in your closet or storage boxes to repel moths. You can also add Cedarwood oil to mulch or topsoil to discourage insects. 

    Cedarwood essential oil is often used as a base note for scents and perfumes. The aroma blends well with a variety of citrus and floral essential oils such as Bergamot, Jasmine, Rose and Lemon. 

    Where Does Cedarwood Come From?

    Hana Gpure  Cedarwood is distilled from the wood of the hardy Red Cedar tree, which reaches heights up to 100 feet and thrives under difficult conditions. The aromatic, brownish-red wood is a remarkable material with powerful properties that come from tree’s essential oil content. Red cedar is purifying to the air and repels moths. Like the resilient tree it comes from, Cedarwood essential oil evokes feelings of stability, determination, and vitality.

    Country of Origin: Morocco
    Family Name: Pinaceae
    Common Names: Cedarwood Oil
    Parts Used: Wood
    Extraction Method: Steam Distilled
    Scent: Medium, Woody, Sweet and Balsamic-Like
    Appearance: Golden Yellow to Orange-Brown
    Natural: Yes
    Purity: 100%
    Organic Certified: Yes